A new study done on mice shows promising results of the ketogenic diet on pancreatic cancer.
According to Medical News Today, researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, gave a high-fat diet along with therapy to mice with cancer and found that the combination of the keto diet and therapy prevented cancer from getting the energy to grow.
The senior author of the study Davide Ruggero said in a press release, “We expect most cancers to have other vulnerabilities. This is the foundation for a new way to treat cancer with diet and personalised therapies.”
Meanwhile, nutritionists find the study intriguing but think the contrary, as keto is a strict diet and it can lead to further weight loss for pancreatic cancer patients and ‘could harm the immune system and its ability to fight cancer.’
Melanie Murphy Richter, a registered dietitian nutritionist, told Medical News Today, “What works in mice doesn’t always translate directly to humans, and the human body is complex. Sticking to such a strict diet, especially when someone is already dealing with the rigours of cancer treatment, isn’t easy.”
She noted, “Not to mention, it’s also important to consider the patient’s quality of life. A strict diet can be difficult to maintain, especially for those already dealing with the physical and emotional burdens of cancer.”
Richter emphasised that more research is needed in this area to prove that ‘this is a viable option’ for cancer patients.
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